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Aufsätze / Artículos / Articles / Contributions
Studi Filosofici / Philosophical Studies
Philosophy versus the Monologic Sophistry of
the “International
Society for Universal Dialogue”
David Dzhokhadze
Ética, Justicia en la
Ethics, Justice in Contemporary Times Yamile Gómez Delgado, Alexander Cerón Samboni pdf
Norberto Bobbio ‒ Dal
personnalisme al liberalismo
Norberto Bobbio ‒ From
personalism to progressive
Francesco Postorino
Das wohltemperierte
The well-tempered being
Peter Prøhl-Hansen
Studi Sociali / Social Studies
Wie wir zu Erkenntnis gelangen und Zukunft gestalten
How to gain knowledge and shape the future Peter Blomen pdf
La vita quotidiana
del dirigente scolastico tra interazioni ambivalenti e parziale utilizzo
della delega. Quattro shadowing
in quattro regioni italiane
The everyday life of the italian Principal between some ambivalent
interactions and a partial use of the mandate. Four shadowing inquiries
in four italian regions
Massimo Cerulo
Umano e post-umano
nel Web: scenari di nuove convivenze digitali
Human and
post-human online: sketches of
new digital
coexistences Angela Arsena pdf
Studi Pedagogici / Educational Studies
I principi
dell’Universal Design for Learning nella scuola dell’inclusione.
Un’indagine esplorativa
The principles of Universal Design for Learning in the school of
inclusion. An exploratory survey
Lorena Montesano, Romina Carchidi, Antonella Valenti
Empfindung, Sprache,
Denken: eine bildungstheoretische Lektüre von Humboldts Abhandlung über
die “Natur und Beschaffenheit der Sprache überhaupt”
Sensation, Language, Thinking: an educational interpretation of
Humboldt’s article about the
nature and quality of language in general Jutta Breithausen pdf
La formazione e il
percorso dell’atleta tra scuola e sport: quale sinergia tra gli “agenti
The education and the path of the athlete between school and sport: what
synergy between “educational agents”?
Giovanni Roma
La valutazione
esterna entra nel valore della comunità scolastica
External evaluation enters into the value of the school community
Caterina Merola
Differenziare per includere. L’e-portfolio
come strumento di autovalutazione
e autoregolazione dell’apprendimento
Differentiating to include. The
e-portfolio as a learning tool to
foster self-assessment and self-regulation
Viviana Fabbri
Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung als Instrumente für die
Organisation- und Unternehmensentwicklung
Continuing training and personnel development as tools for
organisational and corporate development
Ikhfan Haris
Opinioni e commenti / Opinions and comments
¿Es posible superar
el capitalismo?
It is possible overcome capitalism? Sirio López Velasco pdf |